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How to Add Quality Score Column in AdWords?

For some strange reason, Google has disabled Quality Score from the default Adwords columns.  For each keyword, Adwords calculates Quality Score based on the relevance with the Ad text and user’s search query. Performance of your Ad influences the value of the Quality Score. 

What does the Quality Score Impact?

A good Quality score can save you lot of money. The Quality Score impacts Actual Cost per Click, First Page Bids and the Ad rank position

How to enable Quality Score for each keyword?

1. Click the Keywords Tab

Keywords Tab in Adwords

2. Under the Columns Tab there is an option to Customize Columns. 

Customize Column Adwords

3. After Clicking, Customize Columns, Select Attribute Metrics


Attribute Metrics Adwords

4. Add Qual. Score and Save the Columns

5. Now you will see a new column

Quality Score New Column in Adwords