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MTA-STS TXT record must comply with RFC8461 MTA STS is malformed.

If you are getting a lot of suspicious phishing emails despite setting up DKIM and SPM, you can verify your domain's email delivery strength by going to Google Workspace's Toolbox

1. Enter your domain name

2. You will see a list of all the issues with your domain

One of the issues that could lead to "MTA-STS TXT record must comply with RFC8461 MTA STS is malformed." is a lack of MTA-STS and TLS reporting in your DNS entries.

What is the SMTP MTA Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS)

The Standard adopted in 2018 (RFC 8461) creates a mechanism that specify whether to deliver to MX hosts if certain conditions for Transport Layer Security (TLS) in not met.

How to Fix the MTA STS is malformed error

You have to enable both TLS and STS reporting to fix this error

a) First Turn on TLS Reporting like below

How to Add TXT record for turning on TLS Reporting

1) DNS Host Name: (Replace with your domain name)

2) TXT value
v=TLSRPTv1; (Replace with your domain name)

Replace tlsrpt with an existing email.

For multiple Email addresses (if you have dedicated email ids for reporting, separate by comma)

b) Next, Turn on STS Reporting

How to Add TXT record for turning on STS Reporting

1) DNS Host Name:  (Replace with your domain name)

2) TXT value

v=STSv1; id=20190425085700

id here is a unique alphanumeric character (1-32). Use the yyyymmddhrmnsec format

yyyy - year

mm - month

dd - date

hr - hour

mn - minute

sc - second 

After TLS and STS reporting is enabled (a and b), test again at

The Google Apps check will show an error without much to debug. MX Tool Box offers a better debugging message. 

The next problem you have to solve is in adding a policy in your domain's web server

C) Create _mta-sts sub-domain and Add Policy File 

For the Policy File to be fetched, you need a dedicated sub-domain (here should be replaced by your domain)

1) Create a dedicated folder for your _mta-sts sub-domain

Add a .well-known folder for your sub-domain so that your folder structure is like below


2) Create the policy file

vi mta-sts.txt (use nano or other popular editors)

version: STSv1
mode: testing
mx: mail1.example
mx: mail2.example
max_age: 86401

*Keep max_age to a low number to avoid the emails from bouncing during the testing. Keep mode as testing until you are sure that the TLS enforcement of your smtp is working

*mail1.example and mail2.example should be replaced by your mx entries

In the above case max_age is for 1 day (in seconds). You can lower it while testing

3) Create a sub-domain ( where your domain should replace ) and map it to the created folder at 1

4) Verify the following entries, customize it for your website and then take it live

<VirtualHost <your_server_ip_address>:443>
   ServerName _mta-sts.your-domain
   DocumentRoot /var/www/mta-sts
   ErrorDocument 403 "403 Forbidden"
   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteOptions IgnoreInherit
   RewriteRule !^/.well-known/mta-sts.txt - [L,R=403]
   SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-mta-sts.pem
   SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-mta-sts.key
   Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf

5) Create a dedicated certificate ssl-cert-mta-sts using Let's Encrypt or other certificate providers and modify the key file locations above (bold)

6) Restart your server

7) You will get a daily report to the email address configured in rua with the following entry!<your-domain>!<timestamp>!<timestamp>!<reportnumber>.json.gz

8) Extract the gz and use a json interpreter

9) Search for the "summary" section in the json file

 "summary": {
               "total-successful-session-count": <total successful email through TLS>,
               "total-failure-session-count": 0

If there are no failures, your SMTP emails through TLS is working
