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Why you should track conversions in Ad Campaigns?

Once you get visitors from Ad Campaigns, the next thing that you should focus on is conversion. If you are wondering why it is important to track conversion from Ad Campaigns, here are the reasons:

1) Save Money

If you know which Keywords have given you leads, loyal visitors and higher return on investment, you can stop bidding for costly keywords and focus on related keywords that are going to generate revenue for you. Bidding high is not a necessary activity for conversion. It sure would give you visitors but there are no guarantees on the return.

2) Content vs. Search Network

Most Ad networks have content and search advertising. Content Advertising will display your ads in blogs, forums, news and howto sites, while Search Advertising will show your ads on Search Engine Results page(depending on your Quality Score and Max Bid). Once you run your campaigns in both the networks and track the conversions from each network, you will have a fair idea on the value of each network. If one network outperforms the other, you can discontinue investing in one and focus your marketing budget on the other.

3) Google vs. Microsoft vs. Facebook vs. LinkedIn

Although Google dominates the Ad Network, Facebook, Microsoft and LinkedIn are catching up. So instead of blindly following the masses, you can run your campaigns in all the four networks and measure the conversion. There are no hard and fast rules but with networks with lesser participants, the cost per click would be considerably low. But it also depends on the industry you are in. If you are looking to promote an educational product, then Facebook might be a bad choice but if you have an apparel store and want to build a brand then Facebook might be the perfect fit.

Do your tests by running the campaign in each of the networks and track your conversion. Select the network that fits your budget.

4) Save Time

In order for conversions to happen for your Ad Campaigns, you have to:

a) Bid for the right(profitable) keywords in your industry 

b) Use Ad Copies that invites clicks 

c) Use landing pages that has a clear call to action

d) Use landing pages that have consistent messages with respect to the Ad Copies

To get the above four factors right is not an easy task. You have to test many Ad Copies, keywords, landing pages and messages to finally get the winning combination. By consistently tracking your conversion, you will have a clear idea about components in Ad Campaign that works. This will save you time and you will have actions and processes ready to be replicated in your other campaigns.

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