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Bing SEO Analyzer

Microsoft has been trying hard to attract more webmasters to Bing with some nifty tools in the Bing Webmaster’s Tool collection. The latest and the most effective SEO tool is the Bing SEO Analyzer. 

As the name suggests, by entering a URL, the SEO Analyzer checks any verified domain pages for SEO errors.

Bing SEO Analyzer Interface

There will be SEO suggestions in the left-hand side with live preview on the right

SEO Analyzer Live Preview

Webmasters can preview the errors live through SEO Analyzer

Error Count shows the total number of errors detected on the page

Inside the live preview window, you can see button with ‘+’ sign. On clicking it, the buttons will expand showing the issue at that location. 

The page source will show the error at code level.


SEO Analyzer Source