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Bing SEO Reports

Bing SEO Reports is similar to the HTML Improvements feature in Google webmasters tool. In addition to HTML suggestions, Bing creates the report based on 15 SEO Best practices. The reports are run every two weeks. The main difference between SEO Analyzer and SEO Reports is that, the later generates reports based on the domains listed in the account. Some of the SEO suggestions are:

1. The <img> tag does not have an ALT attribute defined

2. The page contains multiple titles

3. Evaluated size of HTML is estimated to be over 125 KB and risks not being fully cached

4. The page is missing meta language information

5. The title is too short or too long

6. The <h1> tag is missing

7. There are multiple <h1> tags on the page

8. The description is missing in the head section of the page

9. The description is too long or too short

Here is an example of an SEO Reports Summary

SEO Reports Summary

The webmaster can click one of the SEO suggestions to see all the non-complaint pages.

Let us take an example of a detailed SEO Analysis Report for non-compliance with the rule : Only one <h1> tag should exist in a page.

SEO Suggestion There are multiple <h1> tags on the page.

Severity: High (Explains the need for attention. Severity can be High, Low or Moderate. Give Immediate attention to High Severity issues)

Error Count: 71 (Number of Errors)

Non-Compliant Pages: 26 (Number of pages with the Error)

Recommended Action: Remove redundant <h1> tags from the page source, so that only one <h1> tag exists.







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