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EMail Newsletter Opt-In Process

The open rate and click through rates in your E-Mail campaign is influenced by the opt-in process that you have deployed. If you have sneakingly put a check-box in your partner's website to subscribe to your newsletter or have cleverly put a default subscription in your report download or user registration form then your prospects are less likely to open your e-mail. So what are some of the best practice?

Action Steps to Improve E Mail Newsletter Open Rate

1. Give clear instruction on the type of e-mail (mobile, html or plain text) and the frequency of your correspondence in your sign-up form. 

2. Send a confirmation mail to make sure that you have informed your prospects about the sign-up process.

3. Create a subscription page with a vanity url(<business>.com/subscribe), which can be easily communicated to prospects in Seminars and Networking events

4. Place your subscription form in front page (top left or right), important landing pages and thank you pages.

5. Mention your subscription link (vanity URL) in print, brochures and commercials

6. Clearly state the value you would be offering in the Subscription form or in the link for the subscription form.

    For example: Get Weekly Internet Marketing Tips and Trends in your Mail Box

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