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Four Goals of Internet Marketing

The first step in Internet Marketing is getting visitors to your website, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn page. While it takes discipline and concentrated link building, keyword research and on-page optimization to get the right audience to your landing pages, all the efforts would be wasted if you are not focused on conversion. Too often businesses focus on the wrong Key Performance Indicators - Time on page, Bounce Rate and Browse Rate. Although the three factors are crucial for your ranking in Google Search Index, businesses should not forget the purpose of their Internet marketing campaigns.

Don't believe the hype about Social Media marketing and Search Engine Optimization if it doesn't add to your bottom line. A common mistake that businesses make is to focus on actions that don’t immediately add to the revenue. A better strategy would be to focus on non-revenue and revenue generating actions, simultaneously. You can boast about ranking 2nd for crucial keywords but what is the value for your business with that result. By rigorously focusing on the revenue with each Internet Marketing milestones, you will learn to focus on the bigger picture – “Why you are on the Internet”

Businesses have four purposes with their Internet Marketing campaigns: 

1) Increase Sales

2) Lead Generation

3) Build Brands

4) Earn Evangelists

Conversion Rate Optimization

Increase Sales: Your primary focus should be on making the sale. It can be one of your products/services, your partner’s products or even products hosted by companies like Amazon and other third parties. Earning sale is not easy and you have to diligently follow the process of testing, refining and evaluating your landing pages. Each and every aspect of the landing page should be tested – Button’s shape, size and colour, the title of the landing page, the meta-description, images used to represent the product, the use of whitespace, alignment of the copy with respect to the product’s image, contrast of font colours used in AD Copy, the conciseness of the copy, testimonials, reviews quoted from reliable third-party sources and the page background.

Lead Generation: Not all your visitors on their first visit would buy what you are offering. It can because of lack of information, lack of trust, insufficient budget or because they are not from your target market. Understanding why the sale didn’t happen will allow you to optimize and create variations for your landing pages. Provide your prospects with the incentive to share their primary information (Name, E-Mail and Phone Number). Nurture the relationship by providing value for their Businesses. It can be through a newsletter that provides actionable tips and strategies or through one on one conversation.

Build Brands: Building brands is not a short-term goal but a by-product of your focus on creating lasting value for your target market. Often Businesses, especially Internet Businesses focus on the wrong thing. The number of likes, followers and fans are good indicators of your brand reach but they are not the only reasons why you should be using the tools. Use the social media tools to communicate with your target market. Although your influence and your potential to create brands are impacted by Social Media, it is the value that you create with your services that will help you create a lasting brand. In the future, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will not be the only communication channels that will allow you to engage with your potential customers. 

Earn Evangelists: The last but often a key proponent of building brands is the process of earning evangelist. They are the most valuable assets for your brand. You cannot directly quantify the impact that your brand evangelists will have for your bottom line, but you should be aware that visitors to your site can be one. Even if they didn’t buy your products/services or share their primary information with you, they might help you spread the word about your brand through blogs, social media or through review sites. 

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