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Google introduces Event Goals

On April 6th 2011, Google announced the new Event Goals feature. The new feature is still in Beta and would be available only to a handful of Google Analytics users. 

How Event Goals can help you?

Although we were able to track downloads in zip format or pdf by segmenting the interactions that our users have with the website, the new Events Goal will enable webmasters to track ajax and javascript events(I guess Google was listening to our previous post on Problem with Google Analytics).

As mentioned in "Problem with Google Analytics' post, Google has yet to address the problem of tracking events in Goal Funnels. But there are some welcome additions with the new feature. One good thing that we have noticed with the Event Goal is the introduction of Event Value. Earlier you have to enter constant value  like:

Google Analytics Goal Value

But the new Events Goal will give you an additional option to use Event Value as Goal Value.

Google Analytics Event Value

Google Team has also introduced filtering Goals on Event Category, Action, Label and Value.

Now you don't have to create multiple Goals to match your Sales value. You can use the actual event value instead. 

Read more about the new Feature from the Google Analytics Team