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Google Knowledge Graph


Google Knowledge graph has changed information presentation for users. Search has always been a function of presenting webpage based on search query. Google has made a revolutionary step in changing how search takes place. Instead of the users repeating the search queries, Google has become more intelligent with Knowledge graph. 

What has changed with knowledge graph?

1) Language: Instead of the user refining the search, Google will present the user with related searches based on various context. The results are relevant. Google collects the search queries and user intent for each query. 

For example, if you are searching for ‘Thomas Edison’, Google will present the knowledge graph on the right hand side of the SERP, besides traditional web pages in search results. In this case, the Knowledge graph includes, date of birth, date of death, links to related searches about ‘children’, ‘spouse’, ‘movies about Edison’ and ‘parents’. 


2) Graph: How did Google know that when a user searches for Thomas Edison, they also might like to know the details of the children and spouse? Thomas Edison is a person in the Knowledge graph. The graph maps the relationships between Thomas Edison and his family. Google uses historical data for decisions. This intelligence is what takes Google search to the next level.

What is Intelligence?

Intelligence is the capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity. It also means the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria.

3) Intelligent Search Engines: The ultimate goal of Google is to create an intelligent search engine. The knowledge graph has created the framework for learning and applying the knowledge according to user behavior. By predicting the next search and showing them right away without waiting for the user to enter a search query, Google has improved the search experience.

Disadvantages of Knowledge Graph

Knowledge Graph is useful when the search is about a person, place or a thing. But, the knowledge graph becomes less useful if intelligence is purely based on historical data. Everyday millions of long-tail keywords are created and they might be more relevant for advanced users than the search terms popular among most users. 

Looking at Right

Many experts have predicted that showing facts and related searches on the right side is a devious tactics that Google has developed to expose users to Ads on the right side. Once users develop a habit to look at right side, they will also look at the right side for Ads. 

What do you think? Has Knowledge graph improved your search experience?