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Google Tag Manager - Introduction

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is the latest service that the Internet Giant has introduced to the market.  The tool is especially useful for Marketers who would like to add custom tags on their own.  For each company, (internal or clients), the first step in setting up a GTM is to create an Account. For each Google Id, you can have multiple accounts.

Each account can include multiple containers. Each container represents a website. For example, for the container would be bytefive.  This will allow agencies to manage internal as well as client accounts independently. 

Let us look at some of the Features that make this service a must have for Marketers:

1) User Permission

With a modular account structure, an essential component of managing various accounts is the user permission.  When you add a user, the permission can be set to access each container like: No Access, View Only, View and Edit , and View, Edit, Delete and Publish.

Google Container

2) Rule Based Tags

By default, the rules enabled in the tag manager is - All pages, which means that the tag will be enabled for all the pages. The GTM uses regular expression and string matches to find the matching url. As you can see below the standard string matching expressions seen in database queries like equals, contains, starts with, ends with or standard numerical value expressions like less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to and regular expression matches like RegEx are used to find the match.

Google Tag Manager Rules


3) Macros

Tags can be inserted not just based on url patterns but variables like event and referrer are also used to insert the tags in web pages.

For example, if you want to set the tag only for visitors who have been referred from Google Search Engine, pick the Google referrer variable to set the rule like:

Google Tag Manager Referrer

You can also set rules based on custom event tags, like adding to a shopping cart or any other event tags that you have defined for your Business like:

Event Referrer

4) Multiple Tags

Each Google Product has its own tag. With GTM, each tag can be managed separately by picking the tag type.

Tag Type

The tag formats supported include HTML, JavaScript and Custom Image tags, making it easy for any CMS or custom web application to incorporate Google Tag Manager. 

5) No Impact on Performance

As with other Google Products, the GTM tags load asynchronously, thus not severely impacting the page load. This would make sure that the web pages load even if the server that hosts the tag is down. The tags are also cached thus avoiding the back and forth HTTP request between servers. 

If you want expert help in setting up your Google Tag Manager, contact us or you can call us at: India (Ph): +91 9497189032, UK (Ph): +44 (0)20-3371-9976 or US (Ph): +1 650-491-0004


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