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How to implement Google AdWords Remarketing?

Google AdWords Remarketing allows advertisers to show relevant Ads to visitors based on their previous behaviour in your website. Let us say that you sell e-books and your website has over 21 categories of e-books. The visitor browsed only through the healthcare categories. This is a clear indication about the intent of the visitor. Now if the visitor leaves your site (lack of information or lack of motivation) and visits other related sites, is there any way to show your healthcare e-book Ads to the visitor?

Enter Google Ad words remarketing feature.

How can we implement the Google remarketing feature?

1) In Google Adwords, visit the Audience section.

2) Select the Campaign and Ad Group

3) Once you have picked the Ad Group, you will see three tabs: Interest Categories, Remarketing Lists and Custom Combinations

4) Click the "Create and Manage Lists" link at the bottom.

Google Adwords Remarketing List

5) Enter the list name, the description and the cookie duration (default is 30 days). The duration will give the advertiser the time frame by which the Ads will be re targeted to the visitor.

Google Adwords Remarketing List

6) Click the corresponding Tags/Rules link to get the code.

Google Adwords Remarketing Tag

7) Paste the code in your webpage that would trigger the retargeting campaign

Can Google re-marketing be provided for Search Networks?

Unfortunately, No. The remarketing feature is available only in Google Display networks. The whole idea is to show your Ads in relevant websites available in Google Display Network. You can control the sites where your Ads will be shown.

What are some of the best practices for using Google remarketing feature?

a) Chose the right offer

Certain offers that you provide might be time sensitive. Like "Get 15% Discount on Christmas Gifts". This offer is sensitive to the holiday season and therefore should be run 3 weeks to 1 month before Christmas.

b) Chose the right Creative

Normally the creative has to gain the attention with an attractive offer, but with remarketing the visitor is already familiar with the offer. The creative should reinforce the value provided to the customer or provide information about additional goodies with the offer.

c) Don't overdo it

Remarketing is a cool feature but don't overdo it. You have to control the number of times the Ad is shown to the user. If you follow the user in all the related content networks, instead of gaining a customer you might lose one.

d) Multitargeting

If you are running multiple remarketing campaigns for the same user, be careful how you show the Ads to the user.

What are some of the creative places where you can use the remarketing tags?

You can use the remarketing tag in any place that supports html - Email newsletter, Facebook Fan Page, About the Author blurb and in Forum Signatures.

If you want us to optimize your Google Adwords Campaign with Remarketing and improve your sales or generate more leads, contact us or you can call us at: India (Ph): +91 9497189032, UK (Ph): +44 (0)20-3371-9976 or US (Ph): +1 650-491-0004

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