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StumbleUpon Paid Discovery: Steps to Create First Campaign

Unlike Social Media and Search, Stumble upon serves content based on your preference and interest, and as the word “Stumble” suggests, the service is for users who are interested in discovering content according to their interest. The concept by itself leads to visits that have low engagement, and high bounce rate. But that does not mean that the service is of little use in spreading the brand name across the network. For Businesses starting out or looking to broaden their readership, stumble upon can introduce the brand to new readers.

Paid Discovery

According to, only 5% of the content served to users are paid, and therefore it is important that you target the right audience. As on July 2013, there are two plans - Standard and Add-On.

Standard Plan: $0.10 per User

Add On: $ 0.15 per User

The Add On plan allows marketers to serve content based on a broad set of parameters:

• Age

• Precise Interest

• Geo

• Engaged Visitors

Click “Create a New Campaign” from the Paid Discovery Dashboard

1) Enter the URL of your page, and give an identifiable Campaign Name. If you have a pre-defined template, select it from the Template drop down. Otherwise, click Next Step

Create Campaign StumbleUpon

2) Move the Slider, and select the lower and upper limit Age Group for the Campaign, select the Gender, or Both. 

Target Demographics

3) On Clicking Next Step, you are taken to Location Targeting screen. You can target by all location, Country, State, and City. Unfortunately, for brands that are interested in targeting States in other countries, the options are limited. The States available are limited to US and Canada. Select your target market, and click Next Step. 

Target Location - StumbleUpon


4) Depending upon how you have optimized the website, select the target devices accordingly.  

Target Device - StumbleUpon

5) With Add-On plan, marketers will be able to target Using the Precise Targeting Option. 

 Targeting by Interest

6) In Precise Targeting, search and include all niche categories available in Stumble Upon. Use the Categories Menu, and select appropriate sub-category

 Precise Targeting

7) Keep the recommended Budget and Set the Daily Budget

 Budget for Targeting

8 ) Select Manual Scheduling, set a start date, and end date. Give an appropriate name for this template and click Submit.

 Manual Scheduling

9) The StumbleUpon team will review the Campaign and approve it.  

Pros - StumbleUpon Paid Discovery Campaign Set Up

1) Cost Per Visit is much lower than Google or Facebook Ads for the same category

2) Easy to Set up

Cons - StumbleUpon Paid Discovery Campaign Set Up

1) In Location Targeting, the States available are limited to US and Canada. 

2) There is no option to select multiple cities, states, or Countries for Targeting. The default any location is the only available option. 

3) Lack of Niche Categories

If you want expert help in setting up your first paid campaign, contact us or you can call us at: India (Ph): +91 9497189032, UK (Ph): +44 (0)20-3371-9976 or US (Ph): +1 650-491-0004


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