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Which Traffic Source has the best ROI?

Websites get visitors from various sources - Direct Traffic, Search Engines,  Social Media or referring sites. Each Business has its own valuable traffic  source. Understanding how visitors from each source behave in your website is crucial for conversion rate optimization

 Direct Traffic: A direct traffic of 20-40% shows that the Brand is well  established in the market. Newcomers and breakout brands normally get 5-15% direct traffic. Although the percentage of direct traffic visitors is low, they are the most valuable source. Direct traffic visitors include visitors who have entered your website URL in their browser or those visits whose source (referring site/search engine keywords) cannot be determined. You will get repeat customers if your website has done a good job in solving their problem.

Social Media: Depending upon how engaged you are with your social media users, you are more likely to get 5-15% traffic from Social Media. Remember, this is not a rule but a generalization. We have observed Businesses with a focused Social Media team successfully converting visits from this source.

Referring Site: Depending on the authority of the site, the visits from referring sites can be valuable for your Business. It also depends on the relevance of the linking site. If a Medicare site is linking to a marketing blog then the traffic coming from the former might not be that valuable. Relevance is the key.

Search Engines: For well-established sites that constantly create good content, this would be the primary traffic source. For such brands, search engine visitors can comprise of 65-70% of the overall traffic. Although the conversion rate (in percentage) is low with search engine visitors, Businesses will have a better opportunity to position their products according to the visitor's search intent, providing a seamless user experience for them.

So where should you invest your internet marketing efforts on: SEO, Social Media Marketing, Link Building or Brand Building? 

Google has stressed on the importance of building a brand with your content and internet marketing efforts. Give equal importance to Social Media and Link Building and a much higher effort on Content creation and on-page optimization. With great content and consistent internet marketing efforts, visitors will reach your website through search engines and if your content is providing value for them the they will share your page or link to your website. Ultimately your content will play a crucial role in building a brand, which in turn would increase direct traffic and ultimately a higher conversion.

If you want us to analyze your traffic and help you develop a comprehensive Internet Marketing strategy, contact us or you can call us at: India (Ph): +91 9497189032, UK (Ph): +44 (0)20-3371-9976 or US (Ph): +1 650-491-0004

ByteFive provides comprehensive Internet Marketing Services and Training in Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing (PPC Campaign Creation, Management and Optimization), Developing processes and best practices for Internet Marketing, Managing and Analyzing Web Analytics,  Landing page Optimization, E-Mail Newsletter Management, Competitor Research, Content Creation and Content Marketing.