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Bounce Rate

Adjusted Bounce Rate introduced in Google Analytics

Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors who just access one page in a website and then leaves.  If you have a popular blog, regular visitors will not access more than one page in a visit.  In such cases, Bounce rate based on page view would be meaningless.  Third Party Web Analytics Software like Clicky Web Analytics had been using time on page as a factor for determining Bounce Rate. According to Clicky, any visit that lasts more than 30 seconds, even if it is a single page view, is an engaged visitor.

10 Tips to reduce Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate:  is one of the critical metrics used to measure user engagement. 


Bounce Rate: (No of Single Page Visits)/ (Total Number of Visits) OR

Visits lasting < 10 seconds

For example out of 100 visitors to page A, if 60 visitors just visited page A before leaving your site then the bounce rate is 60% . Bounce rate also measures the quality of traffic. That is one reason why Bounce rate is often measured by the time the visitor spends on your page.