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Google Adwords

How to implement Google AdWords Remarketing?

Google AdWords Remarketing allows advertisers to show relevant Ads to visitors based on their previous behaviour in your website. Let us say that you sell e-books and your website has over 21 categories of e-books. The visitor browsed only through the healthcare categories. This is a clear indication about the intent of the visitor. Now if the visitor leaves your site (lack of information or lack of motivation) and visits other related sites, is there any way to show your healthcare e-book Ads to the visitor?

Enter Google Ad words remarketing feature.

Long Tail Keywords vs Quality Score

Use of long Tail keywords in your Ad Groups will improve conversion and relevancy for your Ads. First of all you have to understand that Quality Score is measured separately for your Ad Group, Keywords, Ads, Network (Display and Search), Landing page and Account. The score is calculated on the fly when a user enters a search query. With long-tail keywords the volume of searches would be low. 

Here are 3 Best Practices while using long-tail keywords in your Account:

How to Add Quality Score Column in AdWords?

For some strange reason, Google has disabled Quality Score from the default Adwords columns.  For each keyword, Adwords calculates Quality Score based on the relevance with the Ad text and user’s search query. Performance of your Ad influences the value of the Quality Score. 

What does the Quality Score Impact?

A good Quality score can save you lot of money. The Quality Score impacts Actual Cost per Click, First Page Bids and the Ad rank position

How to enable Quality Score for each keyword?

How to use Ad Extensions to Improve Google Adwords Performance?

What would you do if you have used up all the best practices in creating effective Ads for Google Adwords and still haven’t received a good response? For competitive categories, this might be the case. The best strategy is to use Google Adwords Ad Extensions. 

Ad Extensions will allow your Ads to stand from the rest of the competition. There are four types of Ad Extensions available in Google Adwords:

1) Location Extensions

2) Call Extensions

3) Sitelinks Extensions