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Google Adwords

Google AdWords Auction Insight Report - Tutorial

Google AdWords Insight Report TutorialBidding relentlessly without getting any feedback on impression share and competition can be inefficient. To fix this problem, Google AdWords has introduced the Auction Insight Report.

To access the Auction Insight Report

1) Click Any AdGroup that have enough clicks and conversion – around 5000 to 10,000 impressions.Remember the auction report can only be accessed at AdGroup level

Managing Transition from Informational to Transactional Queries

Informational to Transactional QueriesGoogle Adwords have enabled Businesses to attract clients with the intent of purchasing a product/service. But a large chunk of visits are still guided through Search Engines. This is because before the client enters the transactional keywords, he will use several informational queries before making the purchase.

Informational Queries -> Transactional Queries -> Purchase

Write Google Ads for these 6 Personas

When it comes to writing Google Ads, you will notice that apart from Bid Management, Campaign Structure (Keyword Grouping and Ad Group Management), landing page optimization and daily campaign monitoring, writing Ad Copy for different Persona is crucial to stand out in the SERP. It does not matter if you are the last Ad in the first page. It matters how your message resonates with the consumer and differentiates from your competition.

14 Variables that Matter - Pay Per Click Optimization

The success of a PPC campaign depends upon finding patterns in best converting Ads, Keywords and Ad-Groups. In order to optimize your campaign, monitoring the right variables is necessary. The 14 columns that you should monitor are:

1) Keyword - Should identify the intent of your audience/customer and the search pattern

2) Campaign - Focus on one Product/Client

3) Ad-Group - Ad-Group should focus on one theme of a campaign/product/service

Adwords Automated Rules Explained With Example

Adwords Automated rules allow you to set conditions that trigger automatic account changes. For PPC marketers, this feature is useful in campaigns where frequent changes are common. As a Digital agency, you cannot ignore a campaign and expect rules to take over. The daily monitoring and changes are inevitable. But automated rules are useful if you have International clients. The time zone difference restricts you from making hourly changes. The quality and number of visitors to your landing page changes throughout the day. 

Power of AdWords Keyword Grouper

Google’s AdWords keyword Grouper allows marketers to group thousands of keywords according to common themes. This will save your precious time manually grouping keywords according to various themes. Please note that this process is not error free. You have to double check the campaign and remove duplicate and irrelevant ad groups.

Steps for Keyword Grouping 

1) Download Google AdWords Editor for Desktop

Google AdWords Enhanced CPC - How to Implement

If you have been running your Ads in Google AdWords and have received numerous impressions and clicks, this is the right time to enable enhanced CPC. With enhanced CPC, Google will determine the bid rate for you. Based on previous clicks and conversions, Google will increase your bid or lower your bid for better and worse performing keywords. Remember, the bid variation is based on conversion and not click through rate.

How to set Location and Language in Google AdWords Campaign

For Google Adwords Campaign, it is important to target the right location and language.  

Location: When you place your Ads, you can target all countries and territories or you can choose the region/country or city. To select the region/country/city:

1) Click Create New Campaign

2) Give a Name for the Campaign

3) Under Locations and Languages, there is a section for Location.

4) Pick “Let me Choose”, option

How to Add Adwords Managed Placements

If you have used Google Adwords for promoting your products/services, you might be aware of the difference between Search and Display networks. When you start with Adwords, it is a better strategy to use Automatic Placements. Google will choose placements based on the keywords in your Ad Group. Once you get 100 to 500 clicks, it is time to check the conversion rate. If the conversion rate is poor (less than 1%), start using Adwords Managed Placements.

Using Google Adwords Accelerated Delivery for Conversion

Google Adwords provides two types of delivery options: Standard Delivery and Accelerated Delivery. 

Standard Delivery: The Standard delivery shows your Ad evenly throughout the Ad Network, allowing even exposure to your Ad. The Ad System will allocate your budget for the whole day.

Accelerated Delivery: The Second Ad delivery option will allow you to display Ads as soon as possible. This delivery method is not useful for companies with low budget.