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Write Google Ads for these 6 Personas

When it comes to writing Google Ads, you will notice that apart from Bid Management, Campaign Structure (Keyword Grouping and Ad Group Management), landing page optimization and daily campaign monitoring, writing Ad Copy for different Persona is crucial to stand out in the SERP. It does not matter if you are the last Ad in the first page. It matters how your message resonates with the consumer and differentiates from your competition.

Conversion Rate Optimization - After Design Go for Persuasion

The first thing after optimizing a page for design is to think about persuasion. It might sound easy to change the call to action and test out the variation but to convert those visits to valuable leads or sale; you have to think about the visitor.

The number one rule in persuasion optimization is Empathy.

Merriam Webster defines empathy as the following:

14 Variables that Matter - Pay Per Click Optimization

The success of a PPC campaign depends upon finding patterns in best converting Ads, Keywords and Ad-Groups. In order to optimize your campaign, monitoring the right variables is necessary. The 14 columns that you should monitor are:

1) Keyword - Should identify the intent of your audience/customer and the search pattern

2) Campaign - Focus on one Product/Client

3) Ad-Group - Ad-Group should focus on one theme of a campaign/product/service

How to Add rel="publisher" for your Website

The pros and cons of using rel=”publisher” is a topic for another article. But let us see how to implement rel=”publisher” for your website. Most CMS and custom web applications will have one primary php file that control the display and logical flow of the entire website. Once you have identified the main php file, follow these steps: 

1) Search for the closing </head> tag in the php file.

2) Visit your Google + page and notice the URL pattern in the browser. It would be something like:

How to Create Google Analytics custom reports (Basics)

Google Analytics has evolved into a complex analytic software. There are tons of data for analysis.  But when it comes to key metrics that matches your business objective (read this article - KPI for Websites), you don’t need all of them. Google Custom Reports is the solution.

Before we create our first custom analytics report, you have to understand the difference between Dimensions and Metrics. In Google Analytics, it can be confusing.

How to Identify low quality pages in your Website?

With Google Panda Updates, webmasters and businesses across the world have realized the importance of maintaining quality pages for higher SERP ranking.  You might not intentionally create low ranking web pages but once you start publishing on a regular basis, low quality pages will be created or generated.

Steps to Identify low quality pages

1) List the Indexed pages

The first step is to find out the indexed pages from your website. Start with the command

site :<>

Go through each indexed page

How to identify Blog Topics that your Readers Want (For Small Businesses)

Most often, we are engrossed in trending topics, news and latest developments and forget what our readers want. How should we create a content plan that will satisfy our readers? We have identified some best practices from our experience, managing a leading MBA Admissions portal.  

1) Identify your target market  

Start with broader markets: Investment, Insurance, Marketing, Internet Marketing, Education, Small Business Coaching etc.

2) Find your niche market