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How to use Google Content Experiments - First Experiment

On 1st June 2012, Google announced that it would retire Google website optimizer (GWO) on Aug 1st 2012. GWO was a free website optimization tool that allowed webmasters to improve conversion rate and user experience. 

Google Analytics Content Experiments has replaced Google website optimizer. Here are some difference between Google Website Optimizer and GA Content Experiments

What you can learn from A/B Testing?

We have been running a few tests to find out what makes the visitors click links, inside and below an article. When you have tools to measure user engagement at page level, make use of them. You will be surprised to learn that lot of your assumptions are wrong. It hurts but this is going to be one of the best learning experiences. 

For example, we were under the impression that use of Brand Names in anchor text is going to boost click through rate. Let us take two examples for our test (although this was not the tests, we used similar branding vs. non-branding links).

Google Knowledge Graph


Google Knowledge graph has changed information presentation for users. Search has always been a function of presenting webpage based on search query. Google has made a revolutionary step in changing how search takes place. Instead of the users repeating the search queries, Google has become more intelligent with Knowledge graph. 

What has changed with knowledge graph?


How to maintain scent of the Information in a Landing Page

It is a known fact that web users don’t read an article in its entirety. They will only read the article after skimming through the information and finding key phrases in the heading and sub-heading that are related to their problem. The skimming doesn’t stop at the text level. Web users will also sub-consciously evaluate visual cues (trust symbols, button colour, button shape and web template) to figure out whether the page is relevant in solving their problem.

Power of AdWords Keyword Grouper

Google’s AdWords keyword Grouper allows marketers to group thousands of keywords according to common themes. This will save your precious time manually grouping keywords according to various themes. Please note that this process is not error free. You have to double check the campaign and remove duplicate and irrelevant ad groups.

Steps for Keyword Grouping 

1) Download Google AdWords Editor for Desktop

How to submit websites to Bing Webmaster Tool

If you are wondering whether it is important to submit your website to Bing Search Engine, here are some statistics:

1) According to the latest comscore report, Bing overtook Yahoo as the second largest search engine in Jan 2012 with 15.1% market share

2) According to Compete’s  Jan 2012 report, Bing’s growth in US markets has been steady with the growth rate reaching 16.3%


Google AdWords Enhanced CPC - How to Implement

If you have been running your Ads in Google AdWords and have received numerous impressions and clicks, this is the right time to enable enhanced CPC. With enhanced CPC, Google will determine the bid rate for you. Based on previous clicks and conversions, Google will increase your bid or lower your bid for better and worse performing keywords. Remember, the bid variation is based on conversion and not click through rate.