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Why your E-Mail Newsletter Open Rate is inaccurate?

The 1x1 pixel image was introduced in Email newsletter Campaign Services during a time when Email clients like MS Outlook downloaded images by default. But since MS Outlook 2007, images are disabled by default. The open rate that you see in your Email Campaign Analytic Dashboard might not be entirely accurate. 

How Does Email Marketing Service track Open Rate?

6 SEO Best Practices for your URLs

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) allows web users to access the webpage, documents or any other resources hosted in your server. How should the urls be structured for blog sites with 40 pages, 1000s of pages or e-commerce site with over 10000 pages? The answer is each type of blog has a different way of presenting its unique page to the user. More than the bots being able to figure out what your webpage is about, it is important that you structure your web urls for your visitors. Here are some best practices:

Bing Markup Validator

Bing has introduced a new feature in its Webmasters tool – Mark-up Validator. If you are worried whether your website follows the standard coding and mark-up conventions, visit the crawl section in Bing’s webmasters tool. 

1) At the far right you will see the Mark-up Validator

Mark Up Validator

2) Enter your website url/or the url of a popular site


4 Micro Conversions you Should Know

Conversion – the one metric that make sense to all publishers and internet marketers.  But often we forget to monitor the path, actions and behaviours that led to the conversion. The small steps that eventually led to conversion are called Micro-Conversions.

Qualitative Micro Conversions:  Micro Conversions can be broadly categorized based on the visitor’s action. Actions that doesn’t directly contribute to your revenue but which would eventually lead to revenue generation are called Qualitative Micro-Conversions. 

How to set Location and Language in Google AdWords Campaign

For Google Adwords Campaign, it is important to target the right location and language.  

Location: When you place your Ads, you can target all countries and territories or you can choose the region/country or city. To select the region/country/city:

1) Click Create New Campaign

2) Give a Name for the Campaign

3) Under Locations and Languages, there is a section for Location.

4) Pick “Let me Choose”, option