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Multivariate Testing - Introduction

Multivariate Testing: If you are currently working on improving conversion in your critical pages then you might have come across the term “Multivariate Testing’. A/B Testing is a simple concept. You test for two versions A and B and find out which version converts better. The variation can be any aspect of the page – design, colour of the button, headline, background colour or Call to Action. But you can only test two variables at a time.

9 Effective Call to Actions for the Web

Call to Actions in Internet Media/Marketing are words that facilitate visitors to take immediate action. Here are 9 popular call to action used in successful online publications and retail stores.

1) Add to Cart: If you are running an e-commerce portal, you can’t ignore this call to action. This call to action has occupied the mind space of most online shoppers like the “Home” link in websites. If you don’t use ‘Add to Cart’ call to action in your shopping button, expect your conversion to go down by a huge margin.

What is Google PageRank?

Google Page Rank are logarithmic value given to each web page based on its importance. The importance is determined by the number of citation(links) that a page receives both internally(from the same website) and externally(from Authoritative and New Websites). Earlier page rank was defined simplistically


Four Goals of Internet Marketing

The first step in Internet Marketing is getting visitors to your website, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn page. While it takes discipline and concentrated link building, keyword research and on-page optimization to get the right audience to your landing pages, all the efforts would be wasted if you are not focused on conversion. Too often businesses focus on the wrong Key Performance Indicators - Time on page, Bounce Rate and Browse Rate.

What is Click through rate?

Click through rate(CTR) is the backbone of Internet Advertising. Although other metrics are being considered like the impact of indirect response to an Ad, agencies and marketers use click through rates to calculate the immediate impact of Advertising.


CTR = (Clicks/Impressions) x 100

Clicks: Number of times an Ad is clicked.

Impressions: Number of times an Ad is viewed

What is a Good Click through rate?

10 Tips to reduce Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate:  is one of the critical metrics used to measure user engagement. 


Bounce Rate: (No of Single Page Visits)/ (Total Number of Visits) OR

Visits lasting < 10 seconds

For example out of 100 visitors to page A, if 60 visitors just visited page A before leaving your site then the bounce rate is 60% . Bounce rate also measures the quality of traffic. That is one reason why Bounce rate is often measured by the time the visitor spends on your page.

Long Tail Keywords vs Quality Score

Use of long Tail keywords in your Ad Groups will improve conversion and relevancy for your Ads. First of all you have to understand that Quality Score is measured separately for your Ad Group, Keywords, Ads, Network (Display and Search), Landing page and Account. The score is calculated on the fly when a user enters a search query. With long-tail keywords the volume of searches would be low. 

Here are 3 Best Practices while using long-tail keywords in your Account:

How to Add Quality Score Column in AdWords?

For some strange reason, Google has disabled Quality Score from the default Adwords columns.  For each keyword, Adwords calculates Quality Score based on the relevance with the Ad text and user’s search query. Performance of your Ad influences the value of the Quality Score. 

What does the Quality Score Impact?

A good Quality score can save you lot of money. The Quality Score impacts Actual Cost per Click, First Page Bids and the Ad rank position

How to enable Quality Score for each keyword?