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How to use Ad Extensions to Improve Google Adwords Performance?

What would you do if you have used up all the best practices in creating effective Ads for Google Adwords and still haven’t received a good response? For competitive categories, this might be the case. The best strategy is to use Google Adwords Ad Extensions. 

Ad Extensions will allow your Ads to stand from the rest of the competition. There are four types of Ad Extensions available in Google Adwords:

1) Location Extensions

2) Call Extensions

3) Sitelinks Extensions

Persona Marketing for the Web

Persona marketing is not new in traditional marketing space. The best Direct Mail marketers create personas even before writing a single line of copy. It allows them to group together potential clients according to demographic, goals, desires and purchasing power. Can we replicate this model for the web and attract our ideal client?

Here are some action steps that can help you attract the ideal clients to your website

Google Plus for Business - FAQ


Google Plus for Business has gone live for users all around the world. The news was announced on Nov 7th 2011 in the Official Google Blog. Features like Hangout and Circles are also available in the page. In addition to that the users who has +1ed your page will be classified to Following, Customers, VIPs and Team members. 

What are the default types of user segmentation provided by Google Plus?

3 Step Process to Monitor your Brand

It is important that you monitor your Brand keywords on a daily or weekly basis. Lot of times, your competitor might use your brand name in wrong places (spam sites, blog comments) or might create fake reviews in popular sites like Yelp. It is important that you address genuine complaints raised by your customers and inform your prospects about fake reviews and comments.  To solve this problem, follow these guidelines

1) Study your Analytics report

9 Essential Twitter Advanced Search Tips

Twitter Advanced search will allow you to get the latest trends and opinions about topics ranging from breaking news, politics, controversies, product releases, movie reviews to wide range of niche topics.

As with Search Engine, lot of techniques can be repeated for Twitter search 

1) Broad Search 

This will give all the results related to the search term used. For example if you are searching to find out what people are saying about UK Economy, type in:

Query Deserves Freshness

Query Deserves Freshness(QDF) is a ranking factor used in Google Algorithm for time sensitive search phrases. For example, if you had searched for Steve Jobs when his death made news in October 5, you would have noticed websites constantly changing their rank in top 5 position for the term "Steve Jobs dead". This is because Google in 2007 started tweaking its algorithm to include fresh blog posts and news about hot topics in its Search Results page, moving away from listing traditional news sites as the only source for "hot" topics.

Why we are not a big fan of Google Analytics?

Google Analytics ProblemIf you are managing multiple blogs or websites or even a single website on which your income depends on, then it is essential that you invest in Analytics Software. Now you might ask "Why you need to invest when Google Analytics gives you all the features for free". Don't get me wrong, Google Analytics is great but use it only if you don't monitor traffic on a day to day or even on an hourly basis.