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5 Twitter Marketing Strategies that you Should Know

Twitter Marketing has taken many shapes and forms over the past 5 years but a strategy that has proven effective for building brands is the practice of helping the user.  Most Businesses will complaint that they don’t have time to listen to what the user is having for lunch or what they are going to do on weekends. In fact, you can focus on conversations that are relevant for your industry or your product/services. Here are some best practices:

1) Filter Conversation


How to Add Adwords Managed Placements

If you have used Google Adwords for promoting your products/services, you might be aware of the difference between Search and Display networks. When you start with Adwords, it is a better strategy to use Automatic Placements. Google will choose placements based on the keywords in your Ad Group. Once you get 100 to 500 clicks, it is time to check the conversion rate. If the conversion rate is poor (less than 1%), start using Adwords Managed Placements.

How to use Custom Variables in Google Analytics?

Each industry tracks its own analytic variables to measure key performance indicators. For e-commerce site it would be like “How many customers used the Holiday Discount Coupons”, for blogs it would be “The number of returning visitors after they have read a popular blog post”. Depending on your industry, you can create and track custom variables in Google Analytics. 

Why I need custom variables when I can use user segment?

Using Google Adwords Accelerated Delivery for Conversion

Google Adwords provides two types of delivery options: Standard Delivery and Accelerated Delivery. 

Standard Delivery: The Standard delivery shows your Ad evenly throughout the Ad Network, allowing even exposure to your Ad. The Ad System will allocate your budget for the whole day.

Accelerated Delivery: The Second Ad delivery option will allow you to display Ads as soon as possible. This delivery method is not useful for companies with low budget. 

Understanding Statistics Before Landing Page Optimization

Most Internet Marketers are aware of how to implement A/B and Multivariate testing in Google Website Optimizer (and other tools) but lot of them doesn’t understand the importance of statistics in these experiments. Two terms that a landing page optimization (LPO) expert should understand before testing are: Statistical Significance and Confidence Level.

Microsoft Advertising Intelligence tool - Basics

If you are a Microsoft Ad Center user then you might be aware of the Microsoft Advertising Intelligence tool. It is a Plugin for MS Excel, which allows you to do keyword research and find Key Performance Data like the volume, demographic and geographic data. With the tool, you can also forecast monthly keyword volume and get Ad specific information like the clicks, impressions, position, CTR(click through rates) and Cost per click.

Pre-Requisite for Microsoft Advertising Intelligence Tool: MS Office Excel 2007 or 2010


Should Landing page have Navigation?

Including navigation in landing page depends on the source of the traffic, brand awareness and type of landing page.

1) Source of Traffic: The primary factor that influences the need for navigation is the source of the traffic. Let us assume that your web pages are fairly optimized and that the major share of traffic is from Search Engines. In such cases, you can afford to risk keeping the navigation in your landing page. For PPC campaigns where for each click you are paying cents/dollars, the risk appetite would be much lower.

How to implement Google AdWords Remarketing?

Google AdWords Remarketing allows advertisers to show relevant Ads to visitors based on their previous behaviour in your website. Let us say that you sell e-books and your website has over 21 categories of e-books. The visitor browsed only through the healthcare categories. This is a clear indication about the intent of the visitor. Now if the visitor leaves your site (lack of information or lack of motivation) and visits other related sites, is there any way to show your healthcare e-book Ads to the visitor?

Enter Google Ad words remarketing feature.

Design and Delivery Tips for EMail Newsletters

Although design and layout are important, don't get worked up about the overall aesthetic appeal of your newsletter. It is important to maintain consistency of your brand across all communication medium but higher priority should be given to the size of the e-mail. Most prospects will provide their work e-mail id, majority of which are run on Microsoft Outlook Client. To avoid getting infected with viruses, system administrators will set rules to filter your e-mails, mostly based on size. 

Why you should track conversions in Ad Campaigns?

Once you get visitors from Ad Campaigns, the next thing that you should focus on is conversion. If you are wondering why it is important to track conversion from Ad Campaigns, here are the reasons:

1) Save Money

If you know which Keywords have given you leads, loyal visitors and higher return on investment, you can stop bidding for costly keywords and focus on related keywords that are going to generate revenue for you. Bidding high is not a necessary activity for conversion. It sure would give you visitors but there are no guarantees on the return.

Excerpt vs. Full Article in EMail Newsletters

Most newsletters use excerpt instead of a full article. The monthly frequency of newsletters forces publishers to include lot of information in one edition. Providing multiple links in your newsletter tend to decrease user engagement both while reading the newsletter and on visiting your product/service pages (from the newsletter). Although the click through rates will be higher with more links in your newsletter, you have to focus on ‘Effective Engagement'.

Testing EMail Subjects

Businesses often neglect about the subject used in their email campaigns and worry about Email open rate. Consumers are more likely to open an E-Mail newsletter with the subject “X Trends Update" than with the subject "X Newsletter #103". But you will be surprised to learn that popular formula used to create titles in Blogs (X Number #12 according to US Industry Reports, How to...., Top 10 ways to... and similar titles) are least effective when it comes to newsletters.

EMail Newsletter Opt-In Process

The open rate and click through rates in your E-Mail campaign is influenced by the opt-in process that you have deployed. If you have sneakingly put a check-box in your partner's website to subscribe to your newsletter or have cleverly put a default subscription in your report download or user registration form then your prospects are less likely to open your e-mail. So what are some of the best practice?

Action Steps to Improve E Mail Newsletter Open Rate