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Solution: Experiment Code Missing the cookie domain name

Error Looks like:

Experiment code missing the cookie domain name declared in tracking code

This error happens when you have the old Google Analytics Code and the Content Experiments Code is of a later version. 

We recommend that you update the GA Code but if you cannot, add a domain declaration just above the Google Content Experiments Code like:


<script> _udn = "" </script> <!-- Google Analytics Content Experiment code -->

4 Negative Effects of (not provided) keywords

The justification of hiding majority of keywords from Google Analytics is a debate for another day but on 23rd Sep 2013,Google converted nearly 100% of keywords to (not provided). This means that Webmasters would not be able to track the keyword used by the visitor to reach each page through Google search engine.

History of (not provided) keywords

(not provided) disadvantages

StumbleUpon Paid Discovery: Steps to Create First Campaign

Unlike Social Media and Search, Stumble upon serves content based on your preference and interest, and as the word “Stumble” suggests, the service is for users who are interested in discovering content according to their interest. The concept by itself leads to visits that have low engagement, and high bounce rate. But that does not mean that the service is of little use in spreading the brand name across the network. For Businesses starting out or looking to broaden their readership, stumble upon can introduce the brand to new readers.

Paid Discovery

Google Content Experiments: Fixing Domain Validation Errors

When you set up your first Content Experiment, you might face a cookie domain name consistency error. This error is caused by using different domain name settings for Google Analytics and Content Experiments code. 

To fix the error, change the content experiment code to reflect the domain name settings used in Google Analytics Code.

Google Analytics Code

var _gaq = _gaq || [];

_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA- Account Id']);

Google AdWords Auction Insight Report - Tutorial

Google AdWords Insight Report TutorialBidding relentlessly without getting any feedback on impression share and competition can be inefficient. To fix this problem, Google AdWords has introduced the Auction Insight Report.

To access the Auction Insight Report

1) Click Any AdGroup that have enough clicks and conversion – around 5000 to 10,000 impressions.Remember the auction report can only be accessed at AdGroup level

Goal and Hypothesis – Two Key Elements of Test

Hypothesis vs GoalBefore you decide and pick the testing tool, consensus should be reached on the goal(s) that you are trying to achieve. Preferably, have one major goal.

How do you set a goal?

1) Duration

Define the duration of the test before setting the goal. If the test is run for 2 weeks, the numbers associated with the goal should be based on that.

2) Specific

Managing Transition from Informational to Transactional Queries

Informational to Transactional QueriesGoogle Adwords have enabled Businesses to attract clients with the intent of purchasing a product/service. But a large chunk of visits are still guided through Search Engines. This is because before the client enters the transactional keywords, he will use several informational queries before making the purchase.

Informational Queries -> Transactional Queries -> Purchase

Two Key Performance Metrics for Content Creation & Marketing

Content Creation and Marketing

 Content Creation and Marketing is an integral part of Brand Building.  Unlike PPC Ads, which has clearly defined performance metrics like Click Through and Conversion Rates, performance metric for Content is still limited to page views. Our team at ByteFive has shortlisted a couple of metrics that can give marketers and publishers an additional insight into the impact of their articles.  


How to Filter by Geography With Google Analytics Profile

Google Analytics Profile allows Marketers to segment the traffic based on location. For most website, 2-3 countries would be contributing towards most of the revenue. Instead of filtering Google Analytics with custom segments, it is a better idea to create profiles for your top five target markets.

Here is the step-by-step tutorial:

1) Login to your Analytics Account and select your website

2) Click the New Profile Button

Google Analytics Profile

Google Human Raters – How Processes and 7 Biases influence results

Google Search results are not entirely based on algorithms. Human Raters play a crucial role in evaluating algorithm changes.  They have to first understand the query type – navigational, informational & transactional. Then they have to evaluate the pages in the search results for relevance and the value it offers to the user. Based on relevance, Human Raters (Quality Raters) have to rate the pages as Vital, Useful, Relevant, Not Relevant, or Off-Topic.


Write Google Ads for these 6 Personas

When it comes to writing Google Ads, you will notice that apart from Bid Management, Campaign Structure (Keyword Grouping and Ad Group Management), landing page optimization and daily campaign monitoring, writing Ad Copy for different Persona is crucial to stand out in the SERP. It does not matter if you are the last Ad in the first page. It matters how your message resonates with the consumer and differentiates from your competition.